Thursday, July 8, 2010
I have been sick for 3 weeks. when i came here because the weater it was very cold .My husband was worry about me. he was making chiken soup and orange jucie for me.This was helpful. Also when i went to clinic i wait long time in waiting room and that was terrbale for me and my son and my husband . That time i remmember my mother because she made harbal medicine .It was better than chemical medicine.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
when I came to calgary I didn't go anywhere because of the weather it was very cold. Insted of going to beautiful places,I used to go to the movies. When the weather become betterI usually go to the zoo with my son . It is a very good place espically for children. I recomend it for my friend in the class. Also in calgary there are many malls if you want to shopping such as chinok mall,markt mall,southcenter mall and wall mart. In addition there are many resturants but I like the indian food, and i recommed Mirchi resturant.It is amazing.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The story was oliver twist and my mother read it to me in arabic. I learn a lot from that story espically that person should keep his good ethics even in bad situations. if you are poor or reach what is really matter that you deal with people in a good way, because that in the end will determin how people will react with you.
Monday, June 21, 2010
All pepol in my country depend on own car. Almost pepol don't use the other kide of transportaion such as bus or subway.In addition some people use the taxi but they don't need to call them because we just found it in the street. When we see it ,we just wave to stop. Other wise, the taxi is very sheap not like here in Calgary, but the rule is the same we shouldn't leave litter in the car. also we should givethe taxi driver tipe if you have.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I am very intersting watching the world cup but this eary I am not happy because my country isn`t sharing. If my friend or my husband watch i will watch with them. However, i don`t like sport at all ,but when i came here in Calgary i like to walk with my husband and my son in the park Also i would ride bicycle with my son, but i don`t have one.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Calgary is a safe city. all people in Calgary appreciate the feeling of safe in this city. Sometime, crimes like robbary and sucide happens. Comparing to my hometown, I think its almost the same in the field of safty. Being away from street aftre sunset is the best way to be safe. The time and the the place are two factors that you have to consider in order to be safe.
Monday, May 31, 2010

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calender; the month of fasting;the holiest period for Islamic faith. In addition Ramadan is the most important month for all muslim because it is the month of giving charity, kindness, helping other, and sharing meals with family. However, I like this month because when I fast, I feel and experience what needy and hungry people feel. All muslim prepare special foods and buy gifts for family and for giving to poor people and needy, who can't afford it, this can involve buy new clothes, shoes and other items of need.Also, Ramadan for me, is chance to change myself to a better person. After the end of the fasting period of Ramadan comes the Islamic holiday that is Eid Alfeter. It means the festivalof breaking the fast. All muslim donated food to poor people and everyone puts on their best usually new clothes and visiting relative and friends.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Actually, I dont need all this money because I am very sensible and happy in my life. If I won ten million dollar in a lottery I would buy four houses near to each other. The first one is for me and my husband and the second one is for my parents. The third will be for my mother-in-law and the most important one are going to be for my son when he gets marred. Moreover, I want to open a special hospital for children who have cancer because they need a special and critical care. I dont have any plan for the rest of the money because I have never tought that i could win a lottery. Finally, money is not what i am looking for in my life, but if that happen, money will help a lot.
Sunday, May 16, 2010

I think my hometown is the most beatiful city in the world. Jeddah is my hometown, the life in jeddah is diffrent from many cities in Saudi Arabia. Jeddah is a cosmopolitan city, more than any other city in our country.It has many historical building with traditional designs, and it has numerous building near the beach. Jeddah has the highest fountain in the world, named king Fahd's fountain.We have many food relat to my city,the most important one is Kabsa. Also the people are very friendly and helpful. I hope that all of you can visit Jeddah.
Monday, May 3, 2010
my name is al-shaymaa.I am married.Iam 26 years old.Ihave ababy boy.He is 3 years. I have been for 6 month.
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