Saturday, June 12, 2010

I am very intersting watching the world cup but this eary I am not happy because my country isn`t sharing. If my friend or my husband watch i will watch with them. However, i don`t like sport at all ,but when i came here in Calgary i like to walk with my husband and my son in the park Also i would ride bicycle with my son, but i don`t have one.


  1. Actually, I don't like sport too. However, World cup is very excithing game. How about you are cheering Korea for me.^^

  2. me too I'm not happy'but there is nothing we could do

  3. Hahaha! I don't know who to play soccer, so I just only play other sport. How about hiking?

  4. Canada is never in the World Cup, so I guess we all have to cheer for Korea!

    Corrections: "I am very interested in watching the World Cup, but this year I'm not happy because my country isn't part of it." "If my friend or husband watches, I will watch with them."

  5. shaimaa I have a bick. I can borrow it to you. realy. it is verey interesting.
